Training and Working as a Freight Broker in Nevada
If you’ve been considering a career in the export industry but aren’t sure where to begin, perhaps you should consider a career as a freight broker. Freight brokers are an integral part of goods distribution, creating a link between manufacturers and sellers. Their primary responsibility is to connect shippers with transportation companies and manage the shipments. This includes such tasks as handling contracting, matching the load with the proper transportation, dealing with customs and permits, and ensuring goods are loaded in the proper order.
Nevada exported $11.1 billion worth of goods in 2018, an increase of 81 percent from its 2008 level. The state’s export industry supported an estimated 39 thousand jobs in 2016 (the latest statistics available). Considering these numbers, freight brokers in Nevada have the potential for a lucrative career. In this field, it’s even possible to run a successful business from home. If this sounds like the career choice you’ve been looking for, this page contains information you need to get started on your path.
Do Nevada Freight Brokers Need a License?
Although it will be important to understand and follow the state laws and regulations for transportation in Nevada, licensing is handled on the federal level. Anyone wishing to become a freight broker must apply for both a USDOT number and MC (motor carrier) number through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The application process is as follows:
- Applicants must possess a high school diploma or equivalent and have the appropriate training in the field.
- Before applying, a business name and structure of process agents will be needed.
- New applicants will need to submit an application for both numbers simultaneously for an application fee of $300.
- Processing will take four to eight weeks, depending on the results of a background check.
Available Training for Nevada Freight Brokers
Freight broker training can be completed on the job; however, a reputable training program will also provide the in-depth knowledge needed to ensure those entering the profession can perform all of the necessary job functions. Freight brokers will need to know all about the different types of loads and vehicles, in order to match them appropriately. Other important skills will include complete knowledge of transportation regulations and how to remain in compliance, the types of insurance needed for the business, how to create contracts and ensure they are met, and how to obtain the necessary permits for travel. It will also be important to have basic business skills such as marketing, management and accounting.
One program, offered from Ed2go, in partnership with local educational institutions, is available online and at several locations in Nevada. The program promises to prepare students to begin working in the field upon graduation and offers networking opportunities to connect graduates with jobs and mentors. This course is available at the following locations in Nevada:
- Vegas PBS
- Mohave Community College
- Feather River College
- Butte College
- Elk Grove Adult and Community Education
To find one of these programs near you, enter your zip code in the box below.
Once training is completed, it might be helpful to seek additional certifications, as attaining credentialing is a Freight Broker Training in Georgia – License & Schoolsgreat way to showcase your expertise and professionalism to potential clients and employers. The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) offers credentialing as a Certified Transportation Broker (CTB) for those who are able to pass an examination. The cost is $375 for members and $525 for non-members. Members have the additional privileges of networking with their peers and gaining access to helpful resources such as a watchdog program, sample contracts and business frameworks.
What Do Nevada Freight Brokers Earn?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) tracks salary data for various professions including freight brokers. According to their website, the average annual salary in Nevada for the profession was $41,400 in 2018, while the top earners in the state made $61,690. In even better news, these numbers leave out commissions, which often provide a considerable increase in salary.
Where are Freight Brokers Employed in Nevada?
Generally, freight brokers should look for employment in areas with a lot of manufacturing activity, which include larger metropolitan areas. According to the BLS, southern Nevada has the highest employment concentration in the state, with the northwest edge, bordering California, boasting the second highest employment for the profession. For those wishing to start their own freight brokerage, it’s advisable to conduct market research for the most viable areas in the state.
You can also find freight broker training in Arizona, California, Oregon, Idaho and Utah.